Technical and Business Annual Meeting
Future of European Agricultural Research and Innovation Partnerships
11 December 2017
DG- Research and Innovation, Brussels
Patrick Van Damme,Prof at Ghent University and Chair of EFARD, will give the Welcome Remarks and Vision for EFARD. Patrick Van Damme will be the Chair of the 2017 EFARD annual meeting.
Christophe Larose Head of sector, Planet and Innovation, DEVCO C1 Rural development, Food Security and Nutrition will share “EC Support for Research and Innovation and Perspectives on EFARD’s Role"
Paul Ingenbleek, Assoc Professor of Marketing, and Falylath Babah Daouda, Postdoc at WUR will share “EU-Africa Knowledge Exchange & EU Researcher Experience in Multi-Stakeholder Research and Innovation Partnerships”. Read more about Paul Ingenbleek experience in PAEPARD consortium.
Jennie van der Mheen is Manager International Cooperation Africa at Wageningen University and Research (WUR). She will share the “Dutch Experience in AR4D Funded Projects”
Judith A. Francis, Senior programme coordinator, Science and Technology Policy/Executive Secretary, EFARD and Laurianne Ollivier, EFARD consultant will give a presentation on “Tracking the evolution of the PAEPARD Users’-Led Process: Lessons Learned
Judith A. Francis will also present the EFARD management report 2016-2017 and will convey the summary of the main decisions, including the implications for the 2018-2020 EFARD work plan".
Patrice Sewade, Coordinator Project Soya Afitin-Milk (ProSAM) at SOJAGNON, will describe how Seed Money has been a catalyst for the development of PAEPARD Sojabean Consortium.
Stéphanie Barrials, knowledge management Coordinator at World Rural Forum, will introduce “GFAR Collective Action on fostering processes of participation between Family Farming Organisations and Research Institute”.
Karin Nichterlein, Agricultural Research Officer at FAO/Executive Secretary of TAP Secretariat and Jean-Michel Sers, head of European Affairs at CIRAD, will present TAP and "CDAIS Project Mid-Term Review", which focuses on Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Systems in Developing Countries.
Background Papers
Funding agricultural research for development: Lessons from PAEPARD
Agricultural research in the Global South: steering research beyond impact promises
Appraising the participation of European partners in the PAEPARD Users-Led Process
5 factsheets on stages and tools of the Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) process