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EFARD is an umbrella network of European research and non- research stakeholders  from public and private European organisations and the European Commission.

EFARD aims to strengthen the contribution of European Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) to poverty alleviation, food security, nutrition and sustainable development in developing countries by providing a platform for strategic dialogue among European stakeholder groups and building research and innovation partnerships between European and Southern ARD communities.

EFARD 2022 Business Meeting EFARD for Inclusiveness and Transformative Learning

Management Team 2020

Dietrich Darr

Dietrich Darr

Dietrich Darr is Professor of Agribusiness at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Kleve, Germany. He holds a MSc degree in tropical forestry and received his doctorate from TU Dresden, Germany, with a dissertation on the diffusion of agroforestry innovations in East Africa in 2008. Before his appointment at Rhine-Waal University, he has been working for a leading international management consultancy.

Jennie Image

Jennie Image

Jennie van der Mheen is Manager International Cooperation Africa at Wageningen University & Research (WUR) in the Netherlands. She holds a MSc degree in Rural Sociology of the Tropics. Before her appointment at WUR, she has been working as an independent consultant providing services to companies and producer organisations on sustainable value chains, and has worked for a co-funding agency in the Netherlands that co-created development programs with local organisations in Africa.

Eduard Lehmann

Eduard Lehmann

Edouard Lehmann is Research and Innovation Manager at COLEACP. He holds a a MSc degree in environmental engineering and received his PhD from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), with a dissertation on the impact of pesticides on the environment and human health in Burkina Faso. Before his appointment at COLEACP, he worked as a researcher for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL).

Bledar Meta

Bledar Meta

Bledar Meta is a qualified business consultant and trainer spe-cialized in the fields of agriculture, agribusiness, and rural tour-ism, competent to operate both in private, public or the CSO sec-tor. He holds an MSc degree in Rural Development and Agri-business from the Szent Istvan University in Hungary. Whereas, in 2018, he achieved a master’s degree in EU business Law at University of Tirana.

EFARD 2022 Technical Meeting
Collective Action

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Vision & Mission

EFARD's vision is equitable and sustainable agricultural development, enhanced food and nutrition security, improved rural livelihoods and poverty alleviation through the mobilisation of European expertise and financial resources for ARD.

EFARD’s mission is to provide a European multi-stakeholder platform of ARD stakeholders to promote more effective demand-driven and impact-focused ARD by building partnerships within Europe and between Europe and other continents.

Strategic Objectives

EFARD aims to meet the following three strategic objectives, referring to European, global and inter-regional perspectives.


  • To encourage dialogue between European ARD stakeholder groups promoting awareness, innovative approaches, and partnerships in order to build a more efficient and impact focused ARD.

  • To strengthen Europe's contribution to the global ARD systems and the GCARD process. 

  • To promote inter-regional partnerships and collaborative ARD activities for addressing the development priorities  and achieving greater impact, particularly in developing countries.

Strategic Actions

In Europe

  • Build legitimacy of EFARD as representative of all ARD stakeholders in Europe.

  • Promote more effective linkages and synergies between European stakeholders working with Agricultural Research and Agricultural Research for Development.

  • Advocate for recognition of development needs and priorities in European-level and national agricultural research programmes.

  • Broaden and strengthen the geographical base of EFARD through increased participation of European countries.


  • Successful implementation of cooperation projects with southern partners, including drawing out lessons for further inter-regional partnership

  • Development and strengthening of partnerships between Europe and Asia/Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia and Caucasus.


  • Strengthen Europe's contribution to the global ARD system

  • Support the implementation of the GCARD Road Map

European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development


Wageningen University

Droevendaalsesteeg 4

6708 PW Wageningen, The Netherlands


Previous Management Team Members​
patrick van damme

patrick van damme

judith francis

judith francis

Ann Waters-Bayer

Ann Waters-Bayer

2015-2017-Vice Chair Of EFARD Prolinnova

Martin Kropff

Martin Kropff

2013-2015- Chair of EFARD- Former Rector of Wageningen UR 2013-2015

Murat Sartas

Murat Sartas

Catherine Guichard

Catherine Guichard

2011-2013-Chair of EFARD -CEO, COLEACP

martina graf

martina graf

David Radcliffe

David Radcliffe

2013-2015 - Executive secretary of EFARD

Juergen Anthofer

Juergen Anthofer

2015-2016-EFARD member

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